YOUTH DIVIDEND - Empowering Adolescent & Youth

Our Vision

Empower Adolescent & Youth to make informed decisions regarding their future

Our Mission

To empower young people to speak out and take action regarding their education, health, employment and civic participation, and enable them to influence international and national policy frameworks to protect and promote their rights. 

  1. Create greater youth awareness about emerging youth issues
  2. Advocating for Millennium Development Goals (MDG's) 
  3. Create greater awareness about emerging youth issues, social, cultural, economic, legal and environmental issues
  4. Empowering youth to come up with sustainable solutions to their issues.
  5. Health and HIV/AIDS: Awareness, Prevention, Rights, Care & Support
  6. Providing Life Skills Based education
  7. Build public awareness on reproductive health rights of young people and women so that they are able to exercise their Sexual Reproductive Health Rights.
  8. Strengthening the decision making power of youth through training & advocacy.
  9. Secure commitment from Government and relevant ministries at policy level to prioritize young people's sexual and reproductive health rights, including comprehensive sexuality education & information, and youth friendly health services.
  10. Development of rights based approach towards advocacy and Sexual & reproductive health rights issues.

Youth Dividend is non-commercial and non-political youth-led organization in Pakistan established in 2010. Youth Dividend is committed to empower and enable youth & adolescent to influence international and national policy frameworks and be positive agents of change. Our organization is working to develop, inform, inspire and mobilize young people through leadership trainings, peer education, awareness raising, skill building, policy and advocacy. By providing young people with the platform to implement initiatives that target social, cultural, economic, legal and environmental issues they are committed to, we have created a space that is committed to developing the expression of young people

Youth Dividend is committed to undertake the projects on youth, gender, health, poverty reduction and education through leadership trainings, life skills based education, advocacy, awareness campaigns and social media, to equip them with skills, knowledge, and attitudes to be able to exercise informed decision-making.


  • Mentoring Street Children Project - Responding to particular health needs of children/youth living on streets. Educating young girls and boys in their adolescent age on issues of SRHR including HIV AIDs and Gender through Life Skills Based Education (LSBE) programme. This project aims to prevent common diseases among children and spread awareness about health. It teaches street children (about 250 in number) about protecting their health and future. The project is two months old, and I,  along with my group made have covered topics on eating well, hygiene, and how to prevent illness and diseases including tuberculosis, diarrhea and the flu.
  • Advocacy Project on Sexual Reproductive health and rightsadvocating for a more positive approach to adolescent and youth sexual health through UNFPA and Youth Peer Education Network Pakistan.
  • Advocacy Project on Gender Based ViolenceChanging Mindsets on Gender Based Violence through Alternative Media Monitoring, Leadership Peer Education with Uks Research & resource Centre, Chanan Development Association, and Youth Peer Education Network
  • International year of Youth Awareness Raising Project - ‘…don’t underestimate the power of your finger’. The International year of youth is a perfect moment for youth to make your voice heard globally, and believe that now is the time to make strategic investments in youth of our country because Youth of Pakistan deserves full commitment, full access to education, adequate healthcare, employment opportunities, financial services and full participation in public life and this is your time because the world needs to know. 
  • E-Course 'Youth & the MDGs' - The free online grant awarding course – “Youth and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)” – has been successfully conducted in its first phase with the help of a unique partnership process between UNFPA Pakistan, Youth Action for Change (YAC) and Youth Dividend. With the aim of promoting awareness among the youth regarding the 8 MDGs, this first phase of the course reached more than 40 participants from over 33 countries around the globe.  Course participants also received small grants to conduct community development projects around the theme of the MDGs.